Year-Round Resolution

Decem­ber always feels like the bot­tom half of roller­coast­er ride. I start off the year at a full rest, get in gear in the spring, take a breather in the sum­mer, pick up steam in the fall, and by Decem­ber, I’m fly­ing down the tracks so fast, I can scarce­ly breathe. I think they call […]

Under the Tree

I thought I’d close out this year with a cou­ple of Christ­mas poems. These are both from Under The Christ­mas Tree, Harper­Collins. Alas, it is no longer in print.

Love and compassion

As we dive into hol­i­day fes­tiv­i­ties and rush head­long into a new year, one thing weighs heav­i­ly on my heart: the recent rash of sui­cides by gay teens.  The deaths, them­selves, are alarm­ing, of course. But what also trou­bles me is how lit­tle this issue is addressed from the pul­pits of America’s church­es.  I suppose […]

No Offense, but …

As we run head­long toward the Christ­mas sea­son, and leave behind what has felt like a sea­son of cen­sor­ship, my thoughts incline toward the most con­tentious book ever writ­ten. Its pages are teem­ing with witch­es, sor­cer­ers, drunk­ards, despots, tyrants, thieves, and prostitutes—offensive, all. Much of its sub­ject mat­ter is even worse: rape, incest, infan­ti­cide, slavery, […]

Mixed Messages: Blog Shorts

I have a love/hate rela­tion­ship with tele­vi­sion com­mer­cials. For instance, I LOVE the new Old Spice guy. He puts a smile on my face every time I see his beau­ti­ful browns six-pack. (Hey, I’m into hon­esty, here!) Most of the Dove com­mer­cials get my vote. I appre­ci­ate their com­mit­ment to expand­ing the images of beauty […]

In the Ghetto

Grow­ing up, it trou­bled me that the books to be found about black peo­ple con­cerned either slav­ery or the Civ­il Rights Move­ment, and pre­cious­ly lit­tle else. As for books about con­tem­po­rary life, for­get it. It was as if African Amer­i­cans sim­ply did not exist with­in that frame­work.  So, as an author, I deter­mined ear­ly on […]

“Black History Month”

I don’t live in real time. Does any­one? It seems the prac­tice of being present has gone the way of the dinosaurs. But I digress. My pro­fes­sion requires me to always think ahead. I’m for­ev­er mired in plan­ning future speak­ing events, book­ing flights, sched­ul­ing school vis­its, prepar­ing future con­fer­ence pre­sen­ta­tions, nav­i­gat­ing book deadlines—always look­ing ahead. […]

A Question of Worth

I love my job, and there are few occu­pa­tions I would trade it for. I love writ­ing, of course, and I look for­ward to oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet and speak with teach­ers and librar­i­ans at the var­i­ous con­fer­ences and book fes­ti­vals I attend. The chil­dren’s book com­mu­ni­ty is the best! I also enjoy con­nect­ing with young […]

Novels in Verse: Let’s Talk

I am tremen­dous­ly psy­ched that this has proven to be a genre with legs, at least in the chil­dren’s book mar­ket where I ply my trade. When a pub­lish­er at the last ALA told me that librar­i­ans were active­ly seek­ing nov­els in this for­mat, my lit­tle heart went pit­ter-pat­ter. How­ev­er, before a writer decides to […]

Celebrity Children’s Book Authors and the Publishers Who Love Them, Part 3

There’s not much point in dis­cussing celebri­ty children’s books with­out dis­cussing the mon­ey piece of the issue. Let’s face it, pub­lish­ers, who are the real­ly guilty par­ties in all this, are all about the bot­tom line. This was less true when I came into the mar­ket than it is today. Children’s pub­lish­ers, big and small, used […]