Poems to Go

Every now and then, you’ll find a new starter-poem that you can fin­ish, or some oth­er poet­ry chal­lenge on this page.

The oth­er day, I read a sto­ry about chil­dren who died in the Okla­homa tor­na­do, and it made me cry. It’s good to cry, some­times. When we hurt inside, we need to get those feel­ings out. One thing that helps me to do that is writ­ing poet­ry. Would you like to try? I wrote:

I think of Okla­homa
and my heart cracks
like thun­der,
my eyes fill
like rain clouds,
and I am lost in a flood
of tears.

I wrote this down, and I start­ed to feel a lit­tle bit bet­ter. Now I can clear my mind and think about ways I can help the peo­ple of Okla­homa. But first, I had to get my feel­ings out. Poet­ry lets me do that.

Now it’s your turn. Give it a try, then share what you write with your teacher, your mom, your grand­ma, your friend. You can even go to my Face­book Fan page, and share it with me!

Tor­na­do [cred­it: Yurkos, Adobe Stock)