Nikki’s Jam, the Podcasts

“Ci2023 Keynote with Nik­ki Grimes and Bri­an Pinkney: Tough Top­ics for Ten­der Read­ers,” BookED, Amer­i­can Book­sellers Asso­ci­a­tion pod­cast, as record­ed 7 June 2023 at Chil­dren’s Insti­tute in Milwaukee

What a treat! The Book Club for Kids pod­cast fea­tured “Garvey’s Choice.” I answered ques­tions from read­ers at Alice Deal Mid­dle School in Wash­ing­ton, DC. Actor Haskell V. Ander­son III is the celebri­ty read­er. Kit­ty Felde is the host. Have a listen!

The Chil­dren’s Book Pod­cast
Nik­ki Grimes — Lega­cy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance

The Chil­dren’s Book Pod­cast — Nik­ki Grimes (2020)
The Chil­dren’s Book Pod­cast — Nik­ki Grimes

“Spilling the Tea with Nik­ki Grimes,” pod­cast with Nic­hole Miller

Spark My Muse — Eps 205: Glo­ry in the Mar­gins — Sun­day Poems; guest, Nik­ki Grimes

Nikki Grimes
Nik­ki Grimes