Something on My Mind

Life can be tough some­times, espe­cial­ly if you’re young. I know. When I was grow­ing up, I had lots of prob­lems, but pray­ing helped me through them all. So, if some­thing seri­ous is both­er­ing you, and you don’t have any­body to talk to, I’d be hon­ored to join you in pray­ing about it.
Is prayer mag­ic? No. Does prayer change things? Not always. But prayer does change you on the inside so that you can deal with your prob­lems bet­ter. That can make all the dif­fer­ence in the world.
Why pray at all? Well, the Bible says, “Where two or more are gath­ered in my name, I am in the midst.” In oth­er words, when two or more peo­ple get togeth­er in prayer about the same sit­u­a­tion, God gets in on the act. No mat­ter what hap­pens after that, it always helps to have God involved. For one thing, once He is, you’re no longer alone.
Any­way, if you decide to write to me, use a fake name. (The name of a char­ac­ter in a book would work just fine. It could be a favorite char­ac­ter, or a char­ac­ter you think you’re like.) It’s not impor­tant for me to know who you are, because God does. Don’t say any­thing about where you live, either. God knows that, too. I don’t think any­body is eaves­drop­ping on my e‑mail, but it’s bet­ter to be safe than sorry!
You can let me know about what’s both­er­ing you by send­ing me an e‑mail. Click here.*
Well, that’s it. Oh, yeah. One more thing: Try to keep your prayer requests short and to the point. Four or five lines are plenty.
Bye for now—
* Your e‑mail address will be kept con­fi­den­tial. It will nev­er be shared, rent­ed, or sold.
Nikki Grimes praying
Nik­ki Grimes
Nikki Grimes praying
Nik­ki Grimes praying