Banned Books Resource List


EveryLi­brary: Leg­is­la­tion of Con­cern in 2023

Red Wine and Blue Book Ban Busters                     

ALA Office for Intel­lec­tu­al Free­dom

ALA OIF Online Chal­lenge Report Form                                              

Nation­al Coali­tion Against Cen­sor­ship                                                    

Stu­dent Advo­cates for Speech

Now recruit­ing high school stu­dent lead­ers for new nation­al pro­gram:
advo­ca­cy train­ing; lead­er­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties; men­tor­ship to stand up for free expression. 

Youth Cen­sor­ship Data­base

A search­able map of cen­sor­ship inci­dents affect­ing stu­dents since 2018 

Book Chal­lenge Resource Cen­ter

A vari­ety of advo­ca­cy resources 

Book Chal­lenge Cri­sis Hot­line

Pri­vate, con­fi­den­tial vir­tu­al meet­ings with a mem­ber of NCAC staff for any­one who needs sup­port for a book chal­lenge issue 

Pen­guin Ran­dom House Banned Books Resources Hub                                                                

PEN Amer­i­ca

Articles, Interviews, and Blog Posts

Nik­ki Grimes inter­viewed by Joy Reid of The Rei­d­Out on MSNBC about banned books.

Nik­ki Sounds Off, “Banned Books: Mes­sage Rewind“                                                                

Soap­box, Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, “Appro­pri­ate­ly Yours“

Librar­i­ans to the Defense, by EJ Bad­er, Pro­gres­sive Press

Pen Pals: Nik­ki Grimes and Pad­ma Venka­tra­man Dis­cuss Chal­lenged Books,” Pen Amer­i­ca, 2 Nov 2021

Michael Con­nel­ly, Nik­ki Grimes, Judy Blume and oth­er authors unit­ed against book bans,” Isabel­la Gomez Sarmien­to, NPR, 4 Octo­ber 2023

Open Letter

August 9, 2021 

As many of you know, Ordi­nary Haz­ards, my mem­oir in verse, is being con­test­ed in the Lean­der School Dis­trict, Lean­der, Texas. I was shocked and sad­dened to learn that a sto­ry that is ulti­mate­ly about tri­umph over dark­ness, the pow­er of faith, and the pow­er of the writ­ten word, was being removed from the dis­tric­t’s book club lists. Is Ordi­nary Haz­ards a dif­fi­cult sto­ry? Yes. It’s a sto­ry that touch­es on the dark side of fos­ter care, on abuse, on a par­en­t’s alco­holism and men­tal ill­ness, and on child­hood trau­ma. But it’s also a true tale filled with grace, love, and lessons in the pow­er of poet­ry. Ulti­mate­ly, Ordi­nary Haz­ards is a sto­ry of hope.

Thank­ful­ly, few read­ers who come to this sto­ry will have expe­ri­enced the range of chal­lenges I con­front­ed in my child­hood. That said, there is val­ue in their read­ing a sto­ry like mine. If noth­ing else, Ordi­nary Haz­ards gives read­ers proof that, no mat­ter what obsta­cles they might face in their own lives, they can come out on the oth­er side tri­umphant, healthy, whole, and thriving—just like I did.

It is sad that some would keep young peo­ple from read­ing my sto­ry. I’m encour­aged to know that many of you agree, and am moved that you have come out in sup­port of Ordi­nary Haz­ards. I can­not thank you enough.

Nik­ki Grimes