The Poetry Pool

I love a good laugh. I laugh every day. I even make a point of giv­ing oth­ers cause to chuck­le, even if it’s some­times at my own expense. Laugh­ter is cleans­ing, heal­ing, and nec­es­sary. God him­self has a phe­nom­e­nal sense of humor. He made us, did­n’t he? Yes, laugh­ter is to be appre­ci­at­ed, enjoyed. That […]

The Problem with Poetry

For the record, just because a par­tic­u­lar notion is repeat­ed, over and over again, does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly make it true. The earth is not flat, nor is it the cen­ter of the uni­verse. Peo­ple of African descent are not intel­lec­tu­al­ly infe­ri­or to the white race. And con­trary to what you may have heard, over the years, […]

Nine Not-to-Miss Novels

Com­ing up with the title for this blog was a breeze. As a poet, I’m par­tial to allit­er­a­tion. How­ev­er, I fell in love with a good deal more than nine books this sum­mer, so I’ve decid­ed to list all of my faves and let some­one else wor­ry about the final tal­ly. First, a cou­ple of caveats: […]