Banned Books: Message Rewind

I share this sto­ry because it’s at the heart of the prob­lem with cur­rent mes­sag­ing about banned books.

Lessons from Charleston

An unarmed black per­son dies at the hands of, or in the cus­tody of, white police­men, and we run around as if our hair were on fire, scream­ing, “What can we do? What can we do?” Nine black souls are mas­sa­cred in a house of wor­ship, in a state where the Con­fed­er­ate flag, sym­bol of hatred, […]

Mister Cellophane

I recent­ly read a blog post by author René Sal­daña, Jr., that got me wondering—and not for the first time—how much effort teach­ers and librar­i­ans, espe­cial­ly, go to when search­ing for books by authors of col­or. It is a ques­tion worth ask­ing. The oth­er day, out of curios­i­ty, I Googled myself. I found a whopping […]

Everything Old is New Again

In prepa­ra­tion for a lec­ture I was giv­ing on the use of poet­ic ele­ments to enhance prose, I dug through a few old news­pa­per and mag­a­zine arti­cles I’d writ­ten for sam­ple pas­sages in which I had done pre­cise­ly that. In the midst of my search, I came across a piece of reportage from 1977 that […]