Jazmin’s Notebook

Jazmin’s Note­book, a Coret­ta Scott King Award Hon­or Book, was the first nov­el in which I fea­tured a char­ac­ter who’d been in fos­ter care. Unlike The Road to Paris, which came lat­er, this nov­el did­n’t focus on the fos­ter care expe­ri­ence itself, but did illu­mi­nate some of the emo­tion­al effects of a child impact­ed by it. […]

Aneesa Lee and the Weaver’s Gift

I’ve been work­ing in tex­tiles since my late teens. First, it was sewing, then cro­chet­ing, then on to knit­ting. Along the way, I’ve made bead­ed jew­el­ry, done pey­ote bead­ing, made hand­made books and jour­nals, dec­o­rat­ed wood­en box­es, and col­laged hand­made cards. I con­tin­ue to make cards, pads, and jour­nals, and knit now and then. But […]

Meet Danitra Brown

In 1991, I left my job as an edi­tor for Dis­ney Pub­li­ca­tions to work on my own books, full time. One of the first books I wrote after my exit was a sto­ry of friend­ship titled Meet Dan­i­tra Brown. When I sat down to write this book, I was very clear about the small sto­ries I […]

Tai Chi Morning: Snapshots of China

“Where do you get your ideas?” is a com­mon ques­tion authors hear, and I’m no excep­tion. Start­ing this month, I’ll be offer­ing a week­ly blog called “Back­sto­ry,” in which I’ll share the ori­gins of each of my books, as well as the fun­ny, quirky things that hap­pened dur­ing the process of cre­at­ing them. In 1988, I […]