The Social Dilemma

I am, by nature, a self-con­fessed Lud­dite. I write the ear­ly drafts of all of my books on yel­low lined pads, and only turn to the com­put­er when it’s time to input the fin­ished draft. I then print out the draft, and write my revi­sions and edi­to­r­i­al notes on the hard­copy. Writ­ing and/or edit­ing on […]

Coming Attractions

I love it when chil­dren’s books do well in the world. I was excit­ed to join Kather­ine Pater­son at the film pre­mier of Bridge to Ter­abithia, a cou­ple of years ago, and can’t wait for The Great Gilly Hop­kins to hit the big screen. I’m all a‑tingle just think­ing about the wide release of Lois […]


I just got back home from see­ing the movie, “Heav­en is for Real” and I’m baf­fled. “Heav­en is For Real,” based on a book of the same name, is the sto­ry of a four-year old boy who has a near-death expe­ri­ence. Once he returns to his body, he begins relat­ing anec­dotes of his vis­it to […]