The Road to Paris

I spent sev­er­al years in and out of fos­ter care when I was a child. Lit­tle won­der, then, that fos­ter chil­dren pop up in my poems and sto­ries. I did­n’t explore the theme in a fuller text, though, until I wrote The Road to Paris. The Road to Paris is a nov­el about Paris Rich­mond, a […]

Jazmin’s Notebook

Jazmin’s Note­book, a Coret­ta Scott King Award Hon­or Book, was the first nov­el in which I fea­tured a char­ac­ter who’d been in fos­ter care. Unlike The Road to Paris, which came lat­er, this nov­el did­n’t focus on the fos­ter care expe­ri­ence itself, but did illu­mi­nate some of the emo­tion­al effects of a child impact­ed by it. […]