Chasing Freedom: the Story Behind the Story

It all start­ed in Chi­na. Yes, you read that right. The ori­gins of my book about Har­ri­et Tub­man and Susan B. Antho­ny has every­thing to do with Chi­na. Let me explain. In 1988, I was asked to write a few mono­logues for the­ater pieces on Amer­i­can His­to­ry that would be per­formed in a series of theaters […]

Talkin’ about Bessie, Part I

The Book that Almost Was­n’t: That could be the title of this book. The jour­ney from con­cept to book­shelves is a bit of a saga. Some books are hard­er to birth than oth­ers, and Bessie was a book-baby in breach! I’ll explain. It seems like for­ev­er ago that then Orchard edi­tor Melanie Kroupa asked me […]