Celebrity Children’s Authors and the Publishers Who Love Them, Part 2

I must con­fess, I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly annoyed by African Amer­i­can celebri­ties who jump into the children’s book fray because “there are no books for our chil­dren,” to which I respond, Huh? Spike Lee made such a claim in a year when I, alone, had five books pub­lished. So, I take it he is not only unaware […]

Celebrity Children’s Book Authors & the Publishers Who Love Them, Part I

What do I think about celebri­ty children’s book authors? The answer goes under the head­ing of “things that make me crazy.” Where do I begin? Let’s start with qual­i­fi­ca­tions or, more to the point the lack there­of. For the most part, the celebri­ties who attempt to pen books for chil­dren have no expe­ri­ence in doing […]

I’ve got a big mouth

There, I’ve said it. If some­thing real­ly bugs me, I’m inclined to speak out from the pas­sion of my heart. I can’t help myself. Well, okay  I could help myself, but I choose not to. Some issues sim­ply need to see the light of day, and dis­cussing one’s pet peeves with a few close friends, […]