When Daddy Prays

writ­ten by Nik­ki Grimes
illus­trat­ed by Tim Lad­wig
Eerd­mans, 2002

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When Daddy Prays

From the Book

I tip Dad­dy’s hat back so I can see
to roll his shirt­sleeves like donuts.
Even so, the stripes swal­low
my arms down to my wrists …
I hur­ry to him, drop to my knees
and kneel in his shad­ow.
I already know what to say —
“Our Father, whose heart is heaven …”

from When Dad­dy Prays
© 2002 by Nik­ki Grimes


Brim­ming with love and faith, Grimes’s poems cel­e­brate a father’s devo­tion as seen through the eyes of his child. Con­ver­sa­tion­al, sim­ple, and deeply mov­ing, they stress the man’s reliance on God in all aspects of his life. Whether cheer­ing at a Lit­tle League base­ball game, wait­ing anx­ious­ly at the school bus stop, com­fort­ing a fever­ish lit­tle boy, beg­ging God to guard the neigh­bor­hood, or cel­e­brat­ing the New Year at a Watch Night ser­vice, Dad­dy is a fine role mod­el and source of strength for his chil­dren … Poignant, beau­ti­ful­ly expressed poems with a decid­ed­ly Chris­t­ian slant.” (School Library Jour­nal)

With today’s seem­ing­ly nev­er-end­ing news cov­er­age of fam­i­lies break­ing up and the impor­tant role that fathers play in the pro­ce­dure, this book offers a ray of sun­shine for these fathers and their sons … This is a read-aloud, share-togeth­er pic­ture book for young read­ers with mes­sages of hope and love for all ages and gen­ders.” (The Catholic Observ­er)

Four­teen grace­ful poems por­tray a small boy’s rela­tion­ship with his prayer­ful father … Each poem in a dif­fer­ent cadence fits the mood of the expe­ri­ence … A unique offer­ing for a fam­i­ly read-aloud.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Writ­ten in most­ly free-verse style, these poems … cel­e­brate a warm and lov­ing rela­tion­ship between a father and a son who is assured of his dad’s love. (CBA Mar­ket­place)

Buy the book

Cel­lar Door Books (signed)

Book­shop (local booksellers)
