Welcome Precious

writ­ten by Nik­ki Grimes
illus­trat­ed by Bryan Col­lier
Orchard Books, 2006

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Welcome, Precious

“Wel­come, Pre­cious. Wel­come to the warm cir­cle of your dad­dy’s arms, the slip­pery kiss­es of your gid­dy grand­moth­er, and the cool tick­le of Mom­my’s nose rub­bing against your bel­ly but­ton.” Lulling, poet­ic text and cap­ti­vat­ing illus­tra­tions wel­come a new baby to the won­ders of the world, from peanut but­ter to moonlight.

A per­fect gift for expect­ing par­ents, big broth­ers- and sis­ters-to-be, or any­one who wish­es to remem­ber life’s first mag­i­cal moments.


A cel­e­bra­tion of endur­ing famil­ial love with images of a rur­al land­scape, a sky-blue room (a rain­bow enters in 3‑D) and two ador­ing par­ents and their new baby. Grimes’s text is sweet and tac­tile (“Wel­come to rain-swept earth and spiced cider on the wind”), while Collier’s water­col­or-and-col­lage illus­tra­tions are almost pho­to­graph­ic in depict­ing a fam­i­ly por­trait that is as endear­ing as it is joy­ful.” The New York Times Book Review

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