
a Dya­monde Daniel Book
(Book 2 of 4)
illus­trat­ed by R. Gre­go­ry Christie
Put­nam, 2009

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Other books in this series

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel
Book 1
Book 2
Almost Zero
Book 3
Halfway to Perfect
Book 4
Loser A Dyamonde Daniel Book
Book 5


Dya­monde Daniel is excit­ed about the local library’s poet­ry con­test, and so is her friend Free. The prize is one hun­dred dol­lars — just think what they could buy with that much mon­ey! But when they find out that Damaris, one of their class­mates, has been liv­ing in a home­less shel­ter, their ideas about what it means to be rich or poor start to change. And when they get to know Damaris, they real­ize the one who could use the prize mon­ey the most also hap­pens to be the best poet in class.

In this fan­tas­tic fol­low-up to Make Way for Dya­monde Daniel, Nik­ki Grimes tack­les big issues like home­less­ness in a sen­si­tive, kid-friend­ly way. Dyamonde’s can-do atti­tude and live­ly spir­it will endear her to readers.

Awards and Recognition

  • 2010 CCBC Choic­es list
  • 2010 NCTE Notable Book
  • 2015 Illi­nois Bluestem Award nominee


Nik­ki reads chap­ter 1 “Rich,” from Book 2 in the Dya­monde Daniel series. Rich is the sec­ond book in a series of chap­ter books about a great girl, unlike any oth­er girl you’ve ever met, or maybe she is just like you! (To hear the full record­ings of the Dya­monde Daniel books in Nikki’s own voice, pick up the audio­books by Record­ed Books at your local inde­pen­dent bookstore.)

Nik­ki reads “Sur­prise,” chap­ter 2 from Rich, a Dya­monde Daniel Book. Rich is the sec­ond book in a series of chap­ter books about a great girl, unlike any oth­er girl you’ve ever met, or maybe she is just like you! (To hear the full record­ings of the Dya­monde Daniel books in Nikki’s own voice, pick up the audio­books by Record­ed Books at your local inde­pen­dent bookstore.)


“Dya­monde liked to know every­thing, and she’d made up her mind that she was going to get to know Damaris Dancer.” Third graders Dya­monde and her friend Free make a new friend and dis­cov­er what it real­ly means to be rich. Free, whose father’s job loss has meant unfa­mil­iar and unwel­come belt-tight­en­ing, is chal­lenged by ever-opti­mistic Dya­monde to rethink his def­i­n­i­tion of what it means to be poor. A poet­ry con­test with a cash reward offers Free the hope of a cov­et­ed video game. When shy, enig­mat­ic Damaris also enters the com­pe­ti­tion, the duo becomes a trio. Damaris’s hid­den life in a home­less shel­ter becomes pub­lic through her poet­ry, and the three friends learn togeth­er about true wealth. Fast-paced, believ­able urban school sit­u­a­tions, includ­ing a mem­o­rable vis­it to a thrift store, make this a par­tic­u­lar­ly rel­e­vant series entry for chap­ter-book read­ers. Christie’s light pen-and-ink sketch­es bring these good-heart­ed char­ac­ters to life. Young read­ers will wish they had a friend like Dya­monde.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Audio Book Review: “This sec­ond book in the Dya­monde Daniel series begins with Dya­monde and Free debat­ing the def­i­n­i­tion of pover­ty. Free thinks his fam­i­ly is poor because he can no longer buy all of the things that he wants, while Dya­monde argues that poor would be hav­ing to go with­out the things he needs, like food and shel­ter. Because Free is new­ly inter­est­ed in earn­ing mon­ey, he jumps at the chance to enter a poet­ry con­test that promis­es a cash prize to the win­ner. New stu­dent Damaris also enters the con­test, much to Dyamonde’s sur­prise. As Dya­monde gets to know Damaris and learns the secret that Damaris has been keep­ing, she gains a new under­stand­ing of pover­ty and its effect on people.

“The time­ly top­ic and fast-mov­ing plot will keep kids engaged in the sto­ry. The issues addressed will res­onate with many chil­dren and are made all the more acces­si­ble as seen through the eyes of such inter­est­ing, well-devel­oped char­ac­ters. Their voic­es real­ly shine, espe­cial­ly as brought to life by author Nik­ki Grimes’s nar­ra­tion.” (Kel­ly Han­na­han, Sound Com­men­tary)

Audio Book Review: “Dya­monde Daniel is back for a sec­ond install­ment in Nik­ki Grimes’ s chap­ter book series. Lis­ten­ers will feel a strong con­nec­tion as Grimes dra­ma­tizes her char­ac­ters per­cep­tions of the poor and home­less in their city. Best friends Dya­monde and Free spend time search­ing sec­ond­hand stores for trea­sure and dis­cussing the poet­ry con­test that has just been announced at school. When they uncov­er a secret that their class­mate Damaris does not want to share, they decide to befriend her. Grimes por­trays Dya­monde’ s infec­tious per­son­al­i­ty as she finds poet­ry in the most unex­pect­ed place and inspires Damaris to write with her heart. Grimes crisply weaves a sto­ry of friend­ship, trust, and poet­ry, and her straight­for­ward deliv­ery makes it ring true.” (E.A.B. © AudioFile 2011, Port­land, Maine)

Buy the book

Other books in this series

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel
Book 1
Book 2
Almost Zero
Book 3
Halfway to Perfect
Book 4