Halfway to Perfect

a Dya­monde Daniel Book
(Book 4 of 4)
illus­trat­ed by R. Gre­go­ry Christie
Put­nam, 2012

Buy the book

Other books in this series

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel
Book 1
Book 2
Almost Zero
Book 3
Halfway to Perfect
Book 4
Loser A Dyamonde Daniel Book
Book 5

Halfway to Perfect

Dya­monde knows it’s what’s on the inside that counts!

Dya­monde loves eat­ing her mom’s pan­cakes. Free loves eat­ing … peri­od. But late­ly Damaris just push­es her food around her plate, and Dya­monde sus­pects it has some­thing to do with the mean things class­mates have been say­ing about peo­ple’s weight. Damaris won­ders if they might be talk­ing about her too. Dya­monde knows that Damaris does­n’t have a weight prob­lem and is per­fect just the way she is — so now it’s time for her to make sure Damaris knows that, too.

In this fourth install­ment of the award-win­ning series, Coret­ta Scott King Award win­ner Nik­ki Grimes’s lov­able Dya­monde Daniel is back, with a time­ly mes­sage about self-accep­tance and healthy eat­ing habits — deliv­ered with her trade­mark spunk.


“In Halfway to Per­fect, Dyamonde’s best friend Damaris starts los­ing weight when girls in their 3rd grade class make fun of her for being fat. When anoth­er class­mate faints on the play­ground because of her dia­betes, the kids ostra­cize her. In this, Nik­ki Grime’s 4th book in the award-win­ning Dya­monde Daniel chap­ter book series, she han­dles two impor­tant issues in the lives of ele­men­tary school chil­dren with com­pas­sion and a light touch.” (Stephanie Greene, Read­erKidz)

Buy the book

Other books in this series

Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel
Book 1
Book 2
Almost Zero
Book 3
Halfway to Perfect
Book 4