Glory Too

writ­ten by Nik­ki Grimes
Par­a­clete Press, Jan­u­ary 7, 2025

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You’ll enjoy my previous book of poems for the pulpit:

Glory, Too: Poems

About the Book

This is a book for teen and adults readers.

In a mar­riage of poet­ry, faith, and wor­ship, Ms. Grimes’ poems illu­mi­nate the Scrip­tures that grace every Sun­day of the year. Her inim­itable voice and imag­i­na­tion offer glimpses of glo­ry we might not oth­er­wise see, through­out the sea­sons of the year.

With lyri­cal pre­ci­sion and spir­i­tu­al insight, she invites read­ers on a jour­ney of reflec­tion, weav­ing togeth­er themes of grace, redemp­tion, and the endur­ing pow­er of God’s love through­out the year.

As the com­pan­ion vol­ume to her pre­vi­ous book Glo­ry in the Mar­gins: Sun­day PoemsGlo­ry, Too res­onates with authen­tic­i­ty and depth, giv­ing tes­ti­mo­ny to the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of poet­ry and the endur­ing hope found in the embrace of God’s eter­nal grace.

High Style

Louboutin stilet­tos
are rec­og­niz­able at a dis­tance.
Those shiny red soles
tell you every­thing.
When Guc­ci hand­bags
are in a room,
they vir­tu­al­ly shout.
Now, I’m not much for labels,
but I’ve noticed how
God’s gar­ments stand out.
Take the suit, a sec­ond skin
made of holiness—a rare fab­ric,
that usu­al­ly itch­es, at first
until the wear­er
gets used to it;
Beyond that,
God’s per­son­al style
is all about the lay­ered look:
the silk of com­pas­sion,
gold­en threads of kind­ness
woven through the vest,
humil­i­ty cinch­ing in the waist,
meek­ness and patience
falling to the ankles,
and love thick­ly draped
across the shoul­ders.
The cloth­ing God designs
is nev­er mis­tak­en
for any­one’s but his.
And when we’re wise enough
to don his attire,
we look like more
than a million.

Praise for Glory, Too: Poems

“Here are poems that come from with­in the soul. Nik­ki Grimes is not just a dis­ci­ple and believ­er, she is the voice of the beloved. Her work points the read­er in the direc­tion of sal­va­tion. One will shout hal­lelu­jah or qui­et­ly say amen when turn­ing the pages of  Glo­ry Too. Faith is a good thing. After read­ing the poet­ry of Nik­ki Grimes one has a strong desire to go out into the world and spread the good news.” (E. Ethel­bert Miller, writer and lit­er­ary activist. 2023 Gram­my Nom­i­nee in the cat­e­go­ry of spo­ken word and poetry)

“Nik­ki Grimes’ poems are like a mag­ni­fy­ing glass held up to the scrip­tures, help­ing us see more close­ly and clear­ly. They are like a prism, reveal­ing col­ors pre­vi­ous­ly hid­den to our busy eyes. They call us to align our­selves with a holy direc­tion. In one poem she invites us to “say yes to the jew­el that is Jesus” and by the end of the col­lec­tion my heart was over­flow­ing with this yes.” (Chris­tine Val­ters Paint­ner, PhD, Online Abbess of Abbey of the Arts and author of over 20 books on the con­tem­pla­tive path)

Author C. S. Lewis insist­ed that a good poet does­n’t say, “look at me”; a good poet says “look at that”—and points. This is exact­ly what Nik­ki Grimes has done in this col­lec­tion. Get ready to see things in the scrip­tures that you’ve nev­er noticed before. Pat­terns and metaphors, images and insights, the tiny, tiny seed in the fer­tile soil of your heart. Nik­ki is a wayfind­er, my friends. Don’t miss the invi­ta­tion to join her on the jour­ney. (Sarah Arthur, author of Between Mid­night and Dawn: A Lit­er­ary Guide to Prayer for Lent, Holy Week, and East­er­tide )

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