A Cup of Quiet

writ­ten by Nik­ki Grimes
illus­trat­ed by Cathy Ann John­son
Blooms­bury Children’s Books
April 15, 2025
40 pages, 978–1547610730

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A Cup of Quiet

When the squeal of tires and thrum of Grand­pa’s ham­mer fill the air, Grand­ma gets thirsty for a cup of qui­et.

“That’s sil­ly, Grand­ma,” her grand­daugh­ter says. “Qui­et can’t fit in a cup and you can’t drink it.”

But togeth­er, they ven­ture into the gar­den to col­lect the calm­ing sounds of nature, and their cup grows and grows.

A bee’s buzz,
a leaf’s crack­le,
a whistling wind,
a hum­ming­bird’s whir.

By slow­ing down and appre­ci­at­ing the gen­tler sounds of nature, Grand­ma and her grand­daugh­ter step away from the hub­bub of dai­ly life and refresh. Their time togeth­er made more spe­cial by shar­ing a cup of quiet.

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