
Some of these books are avail­able from your favorite inde­pen­dent book­seller through (click on the book cov­er) and you’ll find some of them at your pub­lic library.

Recent Anthologies

Banned Togeth­er:
Our Fight for Read­ers’ Rights
ed. Ash­ley Hope Pérez 

This is the Hon­ey:
An Anthol­o­gy Con­tem­po­rary Black Poets
ed. Kwame Alexander

Ab(solutely) Nor­mal: Short Sto­ries that Smash Men­tal Health Stereo­types
ed. Nora Sha­l­away Car­pen­ter and Rocky Callen

No Voice Too Small
ed. Lind­say H. Met­calf, Keila V. Daw­son, and Jeanette Bradley

Call­ing the Moon: 16 Peri­od Sto­ries from BIPOC Authors
ed. Aida Salazar and Yamile Saied Méndez

Anthologies in which one or more of my poems has been published

20th Cen­tu­ry Chil­dren’s Poet­ry Trea­sury
ed. Jack Prelutsky

Ab(solutely) Nor­mal
ed. Nora Sha­l­away Car­pen­ter and Rocky Callen

All God’s Chil­dren
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Amaz­ing Faces
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Amaz­ing Places
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Another Jar of Tiny Stars

Anoth­er Jar of Tiny Stars
ed. Ber­nice E. Cul­li­nan and Deb­o­rah Wooten


Bub­bles: Poet­ry for Fun and Mean­ing
ed. Theodore E. Wade

Call­ing the Moon
ed. Aida Salazar and Yamile Saied Méndez

Children's Literature An Invitation to the World

Chil­dren’s Lit­er­a­ture: An Invi­ta­tion to the World
ed. Diana Mitchell

Julie Andrews' Collection of Poems, Songs, and Lullabies

Julie Andrews’ Col­lec­tion of Poems, Songs, and Lul­la­bies
ed. Julie Andrews

Days to Celebrate

Days to Cel­e­brate
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Dear Toma­to
ed. Car­ol-Ann Hoyte

Fam­i­ly Poems for Every Day of the Week
ed. Fran­cis­co X. Alarcón

Family Storybook Treasury

Fam­i­ly Sto­ry­book Trea­sury
ed. Houghton Mifflin


Fam­i­lies: Poems Cel­e­brat­ing the African Amer­i­can Expe­ri­ence
ed. Dorothy S. Strick­land and Michael R. Strickland

First Kiss (Then Tell)

First Kiss (Then Tell)
ed. Cylin Busby

Food Fight

Food Fight
ed. Michael J. Rosen

For­get-Me-Nots: Poems to Learn by Heart
ed. Mary Ann Hoberman

Gold­en Shov­el Anthol­o­gy: New Poems Hon­or­ing Gwen­dolyn Brooks
ed. Peter Hahn, Ravi Shankar, and Patri­cia Smith

Here’s a Lit­tle Poem
ed. Jane Yolen, Andrew Fusek

Hold Christmas in Your Heart

Hold Christ­mas in Your Heart
ed. Cheryl Willis Hudson

I Sing: The Body

I Sing: The Body Poems about Body Image
ed. René Sal­daña, Jr.

Jump­ing Off Library Shelves
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Kingfisher Book of Family Poems

King­fish­er Book of Fam­i­ly Poems
ed. Belin­da Hollyer

Lives: Poems about Famous Amer­i­cans
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Me, Myself, and I
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Memories of Sun

Mem­o­ries of Sun
ed. Jane Kurtz

My Heart is a Poem: Poet­ry about Feel­ings
(Lit­tle Tiger Press)

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Book of Nature Poet­ry
ed. J. Patrick Lewis

Nec­es­sary Noise
ed. Michael Cart

Night Wish­es
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

No Boys Allowed

No Boys Allowed: Poems about Broth­ers and Sis­ters
ed. John Mick­los, Jr.

No Voice Too Small
ed. Lind­say H. Met­calf, Keila V. Daw­son, and Jeanette Bradley

One Minute till Bed­time
ed. Ken Nesbitt

Our White House: Look­ing In, Look­ing Out
ed. Nation­al Chil­dren’s Book and Lit­er­ary Alliance

Pass It On

Pass It On: African Amer­i­can Poet­ry for Chil­dren
ed. Wade Hudson

Poems are Teach­ers: How Study­ing Poet­ry Strength­ens Writ­ing in All Gen­res
Amy Lud­wig Vanderwater

Poems to Learn by Heart
ed. Car­o­line Kennedy

Poet­ry Break
ed. Car­o­line Feller Bauer

Poet­ry Fri­day Anthol­o­gy for Cel­e­bra­tions
ed. Sylvia Vardell / Janet Wong

Prop­er Way to Meet a Hedge­hog
ed. Paul B. Janeczko

Rhyme & Rhythm: Poems for Stu­dent Ath­letes
ed. Sarah J. Don­a­van, PhD

Rush Hour

Rush Hour: Sin
ed. Michael Cart

Sports! Sports! Sports!

Sports! Sports! Sports!
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins

Stone Bench in an Empty Park

Stone Bench in an Emp­ty Park
ed. Paul B. Janeczko

The Talk: Con­ver­sa­tions about Race, Love & Truth
ed. Cheryl Willis Hud­son and Wade Hudson

Things We Do
ed. Sylvia Vardell / Janet Wong

This is the Hon­ey:
An Anthol­o­gy Con­tem­po­rary Black Poets
ed. Kwame Alexander

Wonderful Words

Won­der­ful Words: Poems about Read­ing, Writ­ing, Speak­ing and Lis­ten­ing
ed. Lee Ben­nett Hopkins