Something on My Mind
Life can be tough sometimes, especially if you’re young. I know. When I was growing up, I had lots of problems, but praying helped me through them all. So, if something serious is bothering you, and you don’t have anybody to talk to, I’d be honored to join you in praying about it.
Is prayer magic? No. Does prayer change things? Not always. But prayer does change you on the inside so that you can deal with your problems better. That can make all the difference in the world.
Why pray at all? Well, the Bible says, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am in the midst.” In other words, when two or more people get together in prayer about the same situation, God gets in on the act. No matter what happens after that, it always helps to have God involved. For one thing, once He is, you’re no longer alone.
Anyway, if you decide to write to me, use a fake name. (The name of a character in a book would work just fine. It could be a favorite character, or a character you think you’re like.) It’s not important for me to know who you are, because God does. Don’t say anything about where you live, either. God knows that, too. I don’t think anybody is eavesdropping on my e‑mail, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!
You can let me know about what’s bothering you by sending me an e‑mail. Click here.*
Well, that’s it. Oh, yeah. One more thing: Try to keep your prayer requests short and to the point. Four or five lines are plenty.
Bye for now—
* Your e‑mail address will be kept confidential. It will never be shared, rented, or sold.