
I’m often asked for my e‑mail address. I regret that, due to my hec­tic sched­ule, it has become dif­fi­cult for me to answer all the emails that I receive, so I no longer make my email address avail­able. You can always send a let­ter to my mailbox:

Nik­ki Grimes
c/o Cur­tis Brown, Ltd.
228 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017

Please note: Any mail that comes to me at any address oth­er than this one list­ed on my web­site will be returned to sender, unopened.

Dear Mid­dle and High School teach­ers,
If you have your stu­dents write let­ters to me, please ask them to type them. Hand­writ­ten let­ters, espe­cial­ly done in light pen­cil, are extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to read. That dif­fi­cul­ty is mul­ti­plied when you send batch­es as large as 80–90 let­ters. I can read and respond to a typed let­ter much more quick­ly. Thank you.

If you are send­ing an inquiry, please include a clear­ly writ­ten SASE (self-addressed stamped enve­lope) with your letter.

Nikki Grimes on tour
Nik­ki Grimes on tour